10 Reasons to Return to Iboga
Iboga is not a medicine that is easily abused or overused. For many people Iboga is something that is experienced just once in their lifetime. But some people feel the calling to return to the medicine.
You’ve fallen back into unhealthy habits
No medicine, not even Iboga will do the work for you. You always have a choice. After a ceremony, when you’re integrating back at home, you may notice the temptations to fall back into old unhealthy habits and ways of being. This is why Bwiti Life considers Continuing Care so important. We do our best to provide you the right support system and integration care to help you succeed.
Without the right support system, you may find yourself repeating old, unhealthy habits. For this reason, it may be necessary to experience another Iboga Ceremony.
2. You’re ready for another reset
Those of us in the West are very familiar with the lifestyle- millions of things to do, stress, pressure, living in our heads overthinking our jobs and families, making sure everyone is taken care of. Sometimes, another Iboga ceremony is exactly what we need to clear our heads, review our lives, hit the mental refrag button, and just relax.
3. It’s incredible self-care
How many of us practice self care on a regular basis? An iboga ceremony is the perfect way to disconnect from your busy life and reconnect with yourself. It’s an intimate time away for you and you- a way to slow down and just be for a little while.
4. It’s a time to reflect
In an Iboga retreat, you get to hold the mirror up to yourself, take a good look, and ask if you really like what you see. Check in with the changes and progress you’ve made since your last retreat, and ask yourself what else you would like to create.
5. You’re ready for more
Nobody is expected to learn all of the Bwiti teachings in one go- that’s madness! It takes time to learn, integrate, and embody, and we can only absorb so much at once. So maybe you got a lot out of your last ceremony, and now you’re ready for your next dose!
6. Healing Takes Time
Yes, we have Iboga superstars that do it all in one shot, but this wasn’t me and it may not be you. And that’s okay; your journey is perfect and unique and sometimes all you need is a little more time and a little more medicine.
For some people, especially those healing from deep and extensive trauma, the healing can happen in layers. As the major issues clear, new issues arise from under the surface to be addressed. In such cases, coming to do the work twice a year, or annually for a 2-3 years, can be very supportive in the healing process.
A maintenance protocol would also be advised for people healing from addiction, as extra support and reinforcement for sustaining your new lifestyle.
7. Called to the Work
Some people feel a calling to explore the path of working with the medicine as a Provider or Assistant. For this reason, they may choose to return to further connect with the medicine, Bwiti, the teachings, and the community before choosing to apprentice or train.
We offer apprenticeship program, can help you register for Provider training programs in Gabon, and offer internships for people who have completed training in Gabon (these programs are available by application only).
8. Connecting with community
We love our community. We love working with a network of such open-minded, diverse, people who are willing to go the extra mile to take care of themselves and live better lives. Even if you don’t want to take the medicine but would like to spend time at our center, we welcome people to come back and visit anytime.
You are family to us.
For people that have worked with us in the past, we offer special rates if you choose to return. Please request the ‘Alumni rate’ when you are booking.
9. Intuitive Calling
Some people simply feel an intuitive calling for (or from) Iboga at certain times in their life.
10. You just f-ing love it!
We get it, we love it too! It’s why we do what we do! Iboga is a beautiful Spirit and even if you may have everything all together and be completely in love with your life, an Iboga ceremony is really something special and worth experiencing again and again.
Alumni Rate
We offer an alumni rate for those who have worked with us in the past. We can’t wait to see you again! We love our Bwiti family.