Bwiti Iboga Ceremony


Bwiti Life ceremonies are conducted in the Traditional Missoko Bwiti way, but adapted under the guidance and direction of 10th Generation Bwiti Shaman, Moughenda, for use in non-indigenous contexts.

Ceremonies are conducted during multiple-day healing retreats, in which guests have the opportunity to rest and take time to reflect on their life in a peaceful and nurturing environment.  




On the day of the ceremony, with the support of the Bwiti Life Team, guests focus on their intentions and write down their questions for the medicine. Each guest has an opportunity to have one on one Traditional Bwiti counsel with their Healer prior to the ceremony.


Ceremony is Broken Down into Two Phases

Phase One

approx. 12 hrs


The Bwiti Fire Circle, where Bwiti traditional teachings are shared sets the tone for the healing work. The Healer opens the ceremony, performs clearings and protections for the space and for the individual participants before Iboga is received.  

The amount of doses each participant requires is determined by the Healer and customized to suit individual needs. Individual comfortable mattresses with blankets are prepared in the ceremonial space for when guests start to feel the effects of the medicine.

Once they are comfortable on their mattress, the guests are given a soft eye mask.  Wearing the eye mask helps participants to focus within on the thoughts, feelings, and images that may arise.

Traditional Bwiti music is played throughout the night.  The music is specific to Missoko Bwiti Iboga healing ceremonies and is an integral part of the ceremony.  It connects you with the spirit of the Medicine, Bwiti and the Ancestors while providing a tether and protection for the guests.

Taking Iboga does not make you feel ‘high’ the same way some other plant medicines or substances do.  During an Iboga ceremony you are very aware of yourself and grounded in your environment.

As you breathe and relax into your body, and listen to the music, certain thoughts, ideas, insights will come into your awareness.  Also, it is very common for images and pictures, much like a movie screen, to pass through your mind's eye, conveying messages and insights.

In most cases, a guest may have an opportunity to have a guided spiritual journey, where the Healer works to help one gain deeper insight into patterns, questions and spiritual truths.

The Ceremony lasts throughout the night until sunrise.

Second Phase

Processing Day

up to 24 hrs


After sunrise each guest is transitioned to their room, where they will rest in bed under the care of the Healer and the Bwiti Life Team.  Often guests will stay awake and continue to feel the effects of the Medicine throughout the day, and sometimes into the evening.  

During this time, it is common that guests will continue to receive messages and insights from the Medicine. Our team will continue to monitor guests, bringing water, fruit, and light healthy food and counsel as needed. Journalling is encouraged.  You will eventually feel the need to fall into a deep sleep. This ends the ceremony.


The Next Day

Integration Day


On the following day, guests feel little to none of the physical effects of the Medicine, although it continues to work on an energetic and spiritual level for up to 3 months after.

This day is an important part of the process. On this day guests reflect on their experiences, insights, receive counsel and guidance and preparations to assist them for the next ceremony.

Depending on the available schedule, we head to the ocean, explore cenotes, offer a Spiritual Shower ritual or Temazcal sweat on this day to further enhance the experience.


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