The Ultimate Guide to Tabernanthe Iboga
You’ve heard the call- you’re here, your soul is ready.
What is Iboga?
Iboga (Tabernathe Iboga), is a perennial shrub native to GABON, Central West Africa. The root bark has been used as a natural plant medicine for thousands upon thousands of years by indigenous peoples of the region.
It is regarded as a sacred sacrament of those who practice a tradition known as Bwiti. Iboga is used in various ceremonial contexts, such as initiations, spiritual healings, physical healings, and for assisting those afflicted with emotional and mental conditionsIboga is so highly valued it has been declared a National Treasure by the government of Gabon.
Recently the use of Iboga has spread outside of the African continent, and is being used for treatment and healing in various settings around the world. Since spreading to the West, it is now gaining more attention with a derivative alkaloid, Ibogaine, used primarily in successful and sustained interruption of addictive patterns of behaviour.
The Most Powerful of the Plant Medicines
As Chief of the plant medicines, it perfectly tailors the experience to each person. No two people experience the medicine the same way. It intelligently knows and focuses on exactly what you need to heal. If you suffer from physical ailments, your ceremony will target this. If your thoughts and mind are creating suffering, this will be the focus. If you have lost the spark of life, the want to sing and dance, then this is where the healing will be. This medicine gets to the root of what is ailing you.
Why Participate?
There are three main reasons why people participate in an Iboga ceremony.
For Healing
To Optimize Your Life
Intuitive Calling
Why participate in an Iboga Retreat?
1/ Iboga for Healing
Iboga is for those ready to free themselves from the clutches of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual ailments so to open themselves up to their true potential.
Full body cellular Detoxification
Chemical detoxification
Improve neuroplasticity
Increase physical strength and endurance
Decalcification of the Pineal gland
Resets neurotransmitters of brains
Mental detox of negative thoughts
Helps in healing past trauma
Assists in calming of anxious patterns
Promotes clarity and peace of mind
Alleviates anxiety and depression
Alleviates PTSD
Addiction recovery
Increase emotional strength and security
Grounding and centering
Releasing unhealthy attachments
Interrupting vicious cycles and negative feedback loops
Spiritual cleansing
Ancestral healing
Connecting with your True Self/Soul
Releasing unhealthy ties/attachments
Third eye opening
Assists in self discovery
Find Your Freedom
Find out why Iboga has an unparalleled success rate and how our guests were able to harness the power of their minds to find their freedom.
Perhaps you’ve done the work necessary to heal, or you’ve been blessed to never suffer from any major traumas, but you’re not quite living the life that you want for yourself. This is often the case because we’ve been trained since birth to think in ways that aren’t supportive of creating the lives that we deserve.
Perhaps you’re already living an incredible life and you want to continually optimize, and to take the best care of yourself possible. Maybe you’re heard of the potential Iboga has as a neurotropic to enhance your physiological, neurological and spiritual health and mental functioning.
Iboga, while a powerful medicine for the body and soul, is predominantly a medicine for the mind. It’s like holding up a mirror to ourselves. Iboga shows us how we think and clears away any unhealthy habits by removing the neural pathways in the brain that make those habits so addictive. It’s a full brain defrag.
Change your mind, change your life.
Why participate in an Iboga retreat?
2/ To Optimize Your Life
Ways Iboga Can Help You Optimize Your Life
Getting Unstuck
Iboga helps you clear away unhealthy attachments that hold you back.
Third Eye Awakening
Decalcification of the Pineal gland promotes your clarity and intuition.
Finding Purpose, Clarity & Answers
Connect with your soul and your truth. Ask Iboga any question you desire.
Recalibration / Rest
It’s a full brain defrag. Clear away the neural pathways that create addictions.
Life Transition
Iboga helps to speed up the emotional processing when encountering changes.
Connecting With Yourself
Live from your heart so everything you do aligns with your soul, your truth.
Neurotrophic Optimization
A brain enhancer; Interrupts dopaminergic networks promoting neuroplasticity.
Controlling Your Mind
Take your power back by using your mind as a tool to create the life you want.
Why participate in an Iboga retreat?
3/ An Intuitive Calling
Some people simply feel an intuitive calling for (or from) Iboga or Bwiti at certain times in their life. Always follow your intuition. This is your soul speaking to you. Being curious about psycho-spiritual exploration or an exploration of plant medicines is healthy. Let yourself evolve.
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